Sunday, November 20, 2011

Good news. Bad news.

Good news is it turns out I don't have pink eye. Bad news is my eye got worse so my husband made me go into urgent care this morning.. I have a stye that might be in the early stages of a friggin staph infection! Yeah! Super awesome stuff. Ugh.. It's all cause I'm turning 30 in 10 days. I know it! I'm falling apart!


  1. 30! Girl I just turned 40! I grabbed your button by the way. I sent you an email about the swap. Let me know if it doesn't work. Hope your eye feels better.

  2. i'm so sorry about your eye! i know you must be so uncomfortable, but i'm sure it will get better, and i hope you feel better soon!

    sharde @ the style projects

  3. i'm praying for you to get better! i'm so sorry to hear this. get better soon!
