Friday, May 3, 2013

First trip to the dentist!

I really have no idea what "the right" age is to take your kids to the dentist but we only got Lyla dental insurance in October and it was all screwed up until recently so she was finally able to go and I have to say I wish I had taken her like a year ago when she wasn't so defiant! She argued, got mad at me and then freaked out when we tried to get her to lay back on the chair. Even bribery didn't work. We ended up doing the exam with her sitting in my lap facing me and laid her back so her head was in the dentists lap. We decided not to do a cleaning, just counted her teeth, checked for cavities and made sure her finger sucking isn't causing any problems. Thankfully she has no issues! We'll be trying another strictly kid dentist/practice in a few months for a cleaning. If you have any questions about when to start taking your kid I think the earlier the better.



  1. I think I'll be taking Colton when he's about a year, maybe earlier seeing as he already has teeth...they see kids under 2 for free here!

    Hopefully a kid-only practice puts Lyla more at ease. Poor kids - they just don't understand that it's good to go to the dentist and they don't need to be scared.

  2. Ugh. I haven't taken my daughter yet but I know I need. My teeth are terribly soft. I hope she doesn't have my teeth.
